spiral staircase | Canon 10D, EF 17-40 4.0, 17mm, f 4.0, 1/20s, ISO 800

  1. Paulo Ribeiro Says:

    Really nice point of view!


    Excellent: very well-composed and -executed.

  3. leigh Says:

    Fantastic! I love this shot. well captured 🙂

  4. Kingkool68 Says:

    Holy Moly That is an awsome photo. Sweet!

  5. frisky? Says:

    whoa! nice perspective! i get vertigo looking at it!

  6. Julioalejandro Says:

    Excellent Composition

  7. Jessyel Ty Gonzalez Says:

    Beautiful as always!

  8. Luke Says:

    Great! I feel dizzy just looking at it.

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