cogwheel | Canon 10D, EF 70-200 2.8, 70mm, f 4.0, 1/250s, ISO200

  1. miles Says:

    Beautiful clear shot.

  2. Nish Says:

    Nice one! i like the repeating style 🙂

  3. AJ Says:

    nice repetition … nice DOF and lighting too

  4. MALINDA Says:

    Lovely shot. Great DOF.

  5. Patricia Says:

    Wow! This sctructure is one of the best i’ve ever seen =)

  6. Anonym Says:

    i like dof, can I use it for my personal work 🙂

  7. jörg Says:

    Ich habe leider kein Auge für sowas umso größer meine Bewunderung für die die es haben 😉

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