snail | Canon 10D, EF 17-40 4.0, 17mm, f 5.6, 1/20s, ISO 800

  1. david Says:


  2. David H-W Says:

    Nice shot Jö

  3. David H-W Says:

    Not sure why the rest of my comment disppeared. What i did say was it’s great in B/W and wroks really well with the centre of the spiral offset. Good work.

  4. Paulo Ribeiro Says:

    I love these perspectives that make us see the world differently. Well done!

  5. bad hair boy Says:

    everyday is a winding road

  6. zerosun Says:

    fantastic swirling lines and pattern. great perspective.

  7. Graeme Says:

    fantastic. seen it done before but its not easy and you have done it well.

  8. St3fan Says:

    This is good. First look at this picture didn’t show me direction of the stairs – great. 🙂

  9. Anonym Says:

    mobility Nipponize sheered proscenium overrunning!commissioning.colts

  10. Fotos de San Sebastian Says:

    great composition 😀

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